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Опис документа:

Автор: Kunitskayai L.R., Zheltonozhskaya T.B., Permyakova N.M., Stoika R.S., Boiko N.M., Shlyakhtina Ye.A.
Назва: Anionic Micelle-Forming Triblock Copolymers as Nanocontainers for Doxorubicin
Видавництво: Sumy State University Publishing
Сторінок: P. 02NNBM10-1-02NNBM10-3
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Proceedings of the International conference "Nanomaterials: applications and properties": scientific journal / Ministry of education and science, youth and sports of Ukraine. Vol. 1, № 2. 2nd International conference "Nanomaterials: application & properties - 2012 (NAP-2012)", Alushta, the Crimea, Ukraine, 17-22 september, 2012.. - Sumy: Sumy State University Publishing, 2012
Анотація:   The anionic derivative of asymmetric triblock copolymer containing biocompatible chemically complementary polyacrylamide and poly(ethylene oxide) (PAAm-b-PEO-b-PAAm) was obtained. The micellization of the initial (TBC) and modified (TBC-COOH) copolymer samples in aqueous solution were investigated. Practically the same values of the critical micellization concentration and the Gibbs free micellization energy for both TBCs were found. The anticancer effects of the doxorubicin (DOX)-loaded micelles of the initial and modified triblock copolymers were studied on the tumor cells of human T-leukemia of Jurkat line, transformed leukemia of L929 line and mouse lymphatic leukemia of L1210 line. The fact of high efficacy of DOX/TBC and DOX/TBC-COOH compositions in compare with pure DOX was determined and discussed.

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