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Опис документа:

Автор: Marcinko P., Hajduk M., Palko M.
Назва: Automobile with pneumatic Engine
Видавництво: ЧНТУ
Сторінок: P. 55-60
Тип документу: Стаття
Головний документ: Технічні науки та технології
Анотація:   Urgency of the research. In the modern times, more often, there are alternatives to the drive, which help the environment.
   First of all, there are many engine alternatives, but also hybrids with low emissions.
   Target setting. The main goal was to design a vehicle that powered by compressed air. Then take the vehicle to competition.
   For one pressure cylinder, this vehicle get over a longer track and the other category reached a higher speed.
   Actual scientific researches and issues analysis. In the past few years were realized ten Aventics pneumobil competitions.
   That year was the eleventh grade of this pneumatic competition. This vehicle ran for the first ride in all categories.
   There are many publishers in the field of pneumatics systems. The issue of pneumatic motors is new in Slovakia, since it is one of the first pneumatic driven vehicles. Uninvestigated parts of general matters defining. This article focuses on analysis of the proposed of pneumatic driven vehicle and few parts of this vehicle.
   The research objective. The aim of the research was to design and assembly a compressed air-powered car that was supposed to attend in competition of pneumobil.
   The statement of basic materials. The analysis consists of basic information about c&ompetition, by Aventics. The definition of the vehicle is described below. Based on this knowledge, the 3D model and frame of the vehicle are further developed. MKPFEA simulations were performed on this frame. Basic information and parts of the pneum&atic engine have been provided.
   Conclusions. This article describes the design, simulations, parameters and basic parts of a pneumatically-powered vehicle.
   The design of a pneumatic driven vehicle is based on the rules by Aventics. Based on these r&ules, the development of this vehicle was realized. The next step was to analyse the frame that protect pilot in the event. One of the simulation was described and explained. Some of the basics were also described. The result of this student project &is a vehicle that took place in the Hungarian town of Eger. The vehicle ran in each of category. There were a total of 51 teams from all over the world.
   Only 34 teams completed the technical inspection. In the “long distance” category finished in 15&th place.

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