Розглянуто розвідки Василя Щурата про творчість Шевченка, написані на межі ХІХ і ХХ ст. Уведено й проаналізовано тексти заміток ученого, опубліковані в часописах "Зоря", "Буковина", "Руслан", які досі не обговорювалися в шевченкознавстві. З"ясовано, що студії історико-літературного характеру В. Щурата засвідчили рецепцію Шевченка та спроби подолати культ поета в галицькій критиці, що склався в другій половині ХІХ ст. На актуальність розвідок науковця серед галицького читача вказували рецензії І. Франка, В. Лукача, І. Копача, оприлюднені в тогочасній періодиці. Підкреслено цінність доробку В. Щурата на межі століть, оскільки в обставинах відрубності Галичини від Наддніпрянської України необхідні були дослідники Шевченкової творчості, які б орієнтувалися в культурній епосі зазначеного періоду. The article deals with Vasyl Shchurat"s explorations of Shevchenko"s works, written at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. It is known that the first publications on Shevchenko"s work appeared in the 1840s. Since the late 1850s, Shevchenko"s works have been actively involved in the historical and cultural life of Galician Ukraine. In the late 19th century in Galicia, the cultural idealization of Shevchenko"s image began to supersede the scientific study &of his heritage: the subject matter and problems of research were expanded, the first full editions of his works appeared, which were banned in the Dnieper Ukraine. In such historical and cultural circumstances, the scientific study of the poet Vasil&y Shchurat began. In total, he devoted about 40 publications to Shevchenko: various methods of test analysis, multifaceted studios, a detailed examination of Shevchenko"s problems. The texts of the notes of the scientist, published in the journals "Z&orya", "Bukovyna", "Ruslan", which have not been discussed in Shevchenko studies, have been clarified. Therefore, in due course, there is a thorough discussion of V. Shchurat"s Shevchenko studies.
Studies of the historical and literary nature of V. &Shchurat attested to the reception of Shevchenko and the attempts to overcome the poet"s cult in Galician criticism, which took place in the early 1870s others in the magazines of that time. The value of V. Shchurat"s works at the turn of the century& is emphasized, since in the situation of the detachment of Western Ukraine from the Dnieper region, researchers of Shevchenko"screativity who were oriented in the cultural epic of that period were needed.