(Представлено членом редакційної колегії д - ром геол . наук , проф . В . А . Нестеровським ) The article provides an inventory of geoparks from the list of the UNESCO Global Geoparks Network. It is noted that geoparks as important tourist attractions have been the subject of scientific attention of many authors, but the data presented in these pu blications are outdated and can not claim to be relevant to the current st ate of the geoparks network, as it is quite dynamic and changes every year. The research of the chosen topic in the scientific domestic a nd foreign literature is characterized. The insufficiency of the t ourism research of the UNESCO geoparks system is pointed out. The structural-territo rial analysis of the distribution of objects is performed: absolute and relative indicators of the number of objects by macroregions ar e established. A cartographic model of the distribution of objec ts on the planet is presented. Monitoring of a specific set of geotouris m attractions within each of the geoparks is done taking into acc ount the following thematic types: geological and geomorphological (geolo gical and geomorphological formations - the mountains, intermou ntain basins and gorges, craters and cones of volcanoes, &river valleys, deltas and canyons, lakes, waterfalls, sea coasts, deserts an d aeolian, glaciers and glacial, karst and pseudo-karst landforms, geologi cal forms and phenomena - the minerals, rocks, structural and te ctonic formations, paleontologi&cal fossils, geothermal phenomena; ge ological and geomorphological processes - volcanic eruptions, geys er explosions, avalanches, coastal processes on sea and lake coasts, melting glaciers, dune movements, erosion processes); industr ial (the ope&n and underground mine workings, clay and sand quarries, pits, exploratory shafts, drain lines, rock dumps, tunnels, catacom bs, surface and underground military objects, engineering and geological activities, construction of tunnels, construction& of roads and highways, use of geothermal water); cultural and cognitive (works of material culture are different buildings made of natural m aterials and the elements of their arrangement, stone pyramids, rock cities and temples, the stone artefa&cts, the stone elements of urban in frastructure, the works of art, jewellery, museum and other expositions, open- air expositions, such places of fossils, supporting stratigraph ic sections, places of minerals and rocks location); tourist and infr&astructural attractions (availability of the geopark for the access by several types of transport, several tourist accommodation options, currency exchange offices, recreation facilities, parking lots, places for te nts; Tourist Information Centre&s; marked tourist routes for the needs of seve ral types of tourism (cycling, green-, caving, water- tourism); marking of tourist attractions (information stands. Info rmation support of tourism (creating intern et portals of the geopark, mobile app&li cations); accessibility of the geopark to the inclusive tourists). According to the indicators of occupancy of various thematic blocks, g eoparks were ranked according to the scale of levels of attractivene.
Подано інвентаризацію геопарків& зі списку Глобальної мережі геопарків ЮНЕСКО . Зазначається , що геопарки , як важливі туристичні об " єкти , були предметом наукової уваги багатьох авторів , але дані , представлені в цих публікаціях , є застарілими і не можуть претен - дува&ти на відповідність сучасному стану мережі геопарків , оскільки вона досить динамічна і щороку змінюється . Охарактеризовано дослідження обраної теми у науковій вітчизняній та зарубіжній літературі . Вказано на недостатність туристичних досліджень& сис - теми геопарків ЮНЕСКО . Проведено структурно - територіальний аналіз розподілу об " єктів : встановлено абсолютні та відносні показ - ники кількості об " єктів за макрорегіонами . Представлено картографічну модель розподілу об " єктів по пл&